As per the information received from the Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve (TATR) officials, The Park will remain closed for 6 days for tourism from 29/01/2010 to 03/02/2010. The reason for closure of the park, for the said period, is Transact Line Census. During this period, no tourist vehicle is allowed to enter the park.
The volunteers will be allowed to participate in this programme. For registering their participation they need to contact office of the Hon. CF FD, Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve, Opposite Bhavanji Bhai Chavan Highschool, Mul Road, Chandrapur. Only limited people will be allowed to participate.
I request all the people who either wanted to visit Tadoba, during the said period, to postponed their planning or cancel immediately if anyone has booked the accomodation, gypsies.
For further information, feel free to contact me on +91 9420303020 or 9372069911. You can also email me at
About Tadoba Wildlife Library
Dear Friends,
"*Tadoba Wildlife Library*" is an ambitious project to ensure the
consistent flow of knowledge and awareness among School going children (th...
4 years ago